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Charting Busy Times!

Estimating is a direct bi product of your success as a contractor, and in building relationships. When we get busy we tend to lose control of our estimating process, as we try to focus on the jobs we have, and making money on them. There is a fine line to this balance, and sometimes can be very overwhelming.

If your estimates are too high, you put yourself out of contention for the job at hand, and a potential relationship that can provide a lifetime of business growth.

If your estimates are too low, you can be viewed as a potential problem to the client, as the last thing they want is a sub that bid the job too low and will attempt to submit multiple change orders to make up for misjudging the estimating process.

At On Time Estimating we have over 30 years’ experience and knowledge that can be a winning asset to you! Let us become an integral part of your team and take this worrisome burden off of your plate so you can focus on running your business.

Regardless it it’s just an assist you need, or you want to hand off the entire process to us, we have a full staff of experienced team members at your disposal 24/7/365. We always have an experienced estimator on call by e-mail, and just a phone call away, when the physical office is closed.

Contact us today and experience the winning difference!


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